Tuesday, April 10, 2012

44p: You Will First Be Blessed With the Opportunity of Viewing a Summary Video (which you may have already viewed recently, (in My post 44o) of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's Infinite Atonement and Death by Crucifixion Followed by His Sacred and Holy Resurrection Which Will Similarly be Experienced by Each One of Us Who Seek to Follow Him With Broken Hearts and Contrite Spirits! Immediately After Having Gained an Insight Into the Holiness and Greatness of Our Savior, Jesus Christ's Personal Sacrifice of Himself for Each of Us and Our Loved Ones Along With All Mankind; You Will Then Be Given the Opportunity of Hearing Inspired Messages of Three of His Personal Living Latter-day Witnesses!

To Access This Blog's Index, Please Scroll Down To the Fifth Paragraph From the End of This Post!

Dear Readers of this Blog, please note that Google advertisements appear throughout this blog post. They were not solicited by me and I do not profit from them. I did request particularly that Google not place them within scriptures which I often use in my blog posts. It appears they have honored that request of mine. Thank you Google!



Jesus the Christ -by Del Parson
 Once again, as I did in my most recent blog post, I offer you the special opportunity of viewing the same Mormon Messages' video in which is summarized that which led up to and included the final complete and full Personal Sacrifice our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ made for Each of Us; several days before that very first Easter Morning!

He is Risen

Now you will hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir performing a hymn which is found in the LDS Hymnal:
"He is Risen!" 
Please click quickly on the words you will see above on your screen:  "Click here for the music video version of that Song." In this music video you will first see depicted our Resurrected Jesus Christ interacting with his apostles and others in Jerusalem and then interacting with His Nephite-Lamanite people somewhere in the general area of Central America-Mexico in the ancient Americas.

When that video has ended, as was foretold in the Summary Given at the first of this blog post above, you will have the very special opportunity of viewing and listening to the Inspired LDS April 2012 General Conference talks of three of our Savior's Special Witnesses who are living and serving Him in our day and time!

How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life: Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Please Note:  After first clicking on each of these following links, I suggest you click on the option: Watch (which will allow you to view each of these general conference talks.)

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; "the Laborers in the Vineyard."

Elder Robert D. Hales of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; "Coming to Ourselves: The Sacrament, the Temple, and Sacrifice in Service". 

This Blog is not owned by or affiliated with the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church.


TO ACCESS NEIL BIRCH'S BLOG INDEX: To Either Read the Full Index Item Which Refers To This Blog Post, (Or To Search The Index For Any Other Blog Post You Desire To Access), After You Have Read All of This Paragraph, Please Scroll Back Up And Click on the Following: Jesus Christ's Latter-day Prophets and Apostles Speak to Us During Our Time on Earth! (The Mormon Messages' Video, He is Risen! is included! -Post 44p. When The Picture of Our Savior, Jesus Christ Sitting Next To a Little Boy Comes Onto Your Screen, Please Scroll Down In The Index To Your Target Item Or Use the Alphabetical Scrolling Device (When It Has Been Installed).


"Have You Really Read the Book of Mormon?" Legal /Statement. Thank you for visiting. The author retains intellectual property and creative licensing rights. Permission to use or reprint must be given in writing. © Est.2008 Neil Birch Legal /Statement.


I deeply appreciate your readership and hope you found very beneficial, that which was presented to you in this blog post.

If you have any questions about what you have read or viewed in this post or in any previous posts of mine, or if you even have a curiosity about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and or its teachings, please e-mail me. I'm Neil and my e-mail address is: jneilmelva@gmail.com. If you contact me I'll get back to you just as soon as possible.

I invite you to let your friends and relatives know about this blog if you think they would be interested in it. Please be advised that I also have an additional blog. It is in Spanish: Its content is translated from the English in this blog.

Neil Birch